Mirko Giacchini

PhD student at Sapienza University

giacchini [AT] di [DOT] uniroma1 [DOT] it

About Me

I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Sapienza University of Rome, advised by Flavio Chierichetti and Alessandro Panconesi. I obtained my M.Sc. and B.Sc. in Computer Science from the same university, respectively, with a thesis on online algorithms for blog synchronization and a thesis on the (NP-)hardness of a mobile video game.

I have served (or am serving) as reviewer for SODA (2025), ITCS (2025), KDD (2024), TheWebConf (2024, 2025), and SDM (2024)


Tight Bounds for Learning RUMs from Small Slates
Flavio Chierichetti, Mirko Giacchini, Ravi Kumar, Alessandro Panconesi, Andrew Tomkins

NeurIPS 2024 [paper]

Coordinating “7 Billion Humans” is hard
Alessandro Panconesi, Pietro Maria Posta, Mirko Giacchini

FUN 2024 [paper]

Approximating a RUM from Distributions on k-slates
Flavio Chierichetti, Mirko Giacchini, Ravi Kumar, Alessandro Panconesi, Andrew Tomkins

AISTATS 2023 [paper] [code]